منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في رحاب منتديات طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
نتمنى لكم أجمل الاوقات كما يسعدنا أنضمامكم لمنتدانا والمشاركة به
منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في رحاب منتديات طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
نتمنى لكم أجمل الاوقات كما يسعدنا أنضمامكم لمنتدانا والمشاركة به
منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات

مرحباً بعودتك مجدداً زائر نتمنى لك قضاء أجمل الاوقات معنا
الرئيسيةبوابة الموقعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
هــام ::.. يرجى من الزوار والاعضاء الكرام زيارة الصفحة الرسمية على الفيس بوك لمتابعة اخر اخبار الكلية والنتائج الامتحانية جميعها للفصل الثاني والثالث ..يمكن للطلبة الحصول على كشف للعلامات من محافظة الرقة -قسم كلية الآداب- موعد امتحانات دير الزور هو بتاريخ 17/2/2013-16/3/2013.- سيتم اصدار عدة مقررات مع بداية الاسبوع القادم - يحق للطلاب المقيمين بغير محافظة الحسكة والرقة تقديم امتحناتهم بتلك الجامعة وفق منهاج تلك الجامعة اما الراغبين بتقديم امتحاناتهم حسب منهاج جامعة الفرات فالتقديم بمحافظتي الحسكة والرقة. موعد تسجيل الطلاب القدامى والايقاف هو بعد انتهاء الامتحانات -طلاب الدير- اما موعد ايقاف التسجيل لطلاب المستجدين فهو بتاريخ 2/1/2013-31/1/2013
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أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
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 Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 2
الدولة : سوريا
الكلية : (مطلوب)
السـنة الدراسية : (مطلوب)
النشاط : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/10/2007

Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية   Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية I_icon_minitime2007-10-02, 03:25

Conditional Sentences


Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences

First Conditional Form

if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I will send her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, we don't use a comma.
Example: I will send her an invitation if I find her address.
Main clause and / or if clause might be negative.
Example: If I don’t see him this afternoon, I will phone him in the evening.

Conditional Sentences Type I refer to the future. An action in the future will only happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time. We don't know for sure whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not, but the conditions seems rather realistic – so we think it is likely to happen.
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
I want to send an invitation to a friend. I just have to find her address. I am quite sure, however, that I will find it.
Example: If John has the money, he will buy a Ferrari.
I know John very well and I know that he earns a lot of money and that he loves Ferraris. So I think it is very likely that sooner or later he will have the money to buy a Ferrari.

Examples :
A famous film director was shouting at agroup of actors . The company doctor said , if you shout all time , you wil get ulcer .
The director looked at the doctor and replied :
I don’t get ulcers , I give them .

What shall we do tonight ?
Let us toss a coin to decide .
If it's heads , we will watch T.V and if it's tails we play football .
But if it lands on its edge , we will do our homeworks !

Zero Conditional: certaintyWe use the so-called zero conditional when the result of the condition is always true, like a scientific fact.
Take some ice. Put it in a saucepan. Heat the saucepan. What happens? The ice melts (it becomes water). You would be surprised if it did not.
IF you heat ice , it melts
If people don’t eat , they get hungry
We notice that we are thinking about a result that is always true for this condition. The result of the condition is an absolute certainty. We are not thinking about the future or the past, or even the present. We are thinking about a simple fact. We use the present simple tense to talk about the condition. We also use the present simple tense to talk about the result. The important thing about the zero conditional is that the condition always has the same result i.e. we have the same results in all times .

Second ConditionalForm
if + Simple Past, I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.
Example: I would send her an invitation if I found her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative.
Example: If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.
Were instead of Was
In IF Clauses Type II, we usually use ‚were‘ – even if the pronoun is I, he, she or it –.
Example: If I were you, I would not do this.
Conditional Sentences Type II refer to situations in the present. An action could happen if the present situation were different. I don't really expect the situation to change, however. I just imagine „what would happen if …“
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her address, but I cannot find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will eventually find her address.
Example: If John had the money, he would buy a Ferrari.
I know John very well and I know that he doesn't have much money, but he loves Ferraris. He would like to own a Ferrari (in his dreams). But I think it is very unlikely that he will have the money to buy one in the near future.

Third Conditional
if + Past Perfect, would have Past Participle
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.
Example: I would have sent her an invitation if I had found her address.
Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative.
Example: If I hadn’t studied, I wouldn’t have passed my exams.
Conditional Sentences Type III refer to situations in the past. An action could have happened in the past if a certain condition had been fulfilled. Things were different then, however. We just imagine, what would have happened if the situation had been fulfilled.
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
Sometime in the past, I wanted to send an invitation to a friend. I didn't find her address, however. So in the end I didn't send her an invitation.
Example: If John had had the money, he would have bought a Ferrari.
I knew John very well and I know that he never had much money, but he loved Ferraris. He would have loved to own a Ferrari, but he never had the money to buy one.
Hayyan Ebrahim
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المدير العــام
المدير العــام

عدد الرسائل : 3354
العمر : 36
الدولة : سوريا
الكلية : الادب الانكليزي
السـنة الدراسية : متخرج
النشاط : 3663
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/09/2007

Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية   Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية I_icon_minitime2007-10-03, 00:08

كل الشكر لك اخي حيان على مشاركتك بالمنتدى
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
انكليزي هاوي
انكليزي هاوي

عدد الرسائل : 23
الدولة : سورية
السـنة الدراسية : الأولي مستطج
النشاط : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/12/2008

Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية   Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية I_icon_minitime2008-12-03, 02:44

كل الشكر لك أخي على هل أفادة الحلوة و كثر الله خيرك يارب
مع تحيات البدر.كوم.فور أرت
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المدير العــام
المدير العــام

عدد الرسائل : 3354
العمر : 36
الدولة : سوريا
الكلية : الادب الانكليزي
السـنة الدراسية : متخرج
النشاط : 3663
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/09/2007

Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية   Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية I_icon_minitime2008-12-03, 18:28

بالفعل المعلومات قيمة وجميلة فعلاً وكل الشكر لصاحب الموضوع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Conditional Sentences-الجمل الشرطية
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Conditional sentenses - in details

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات :: االأقسام التعليمية والأدبية :: : مكتبة الأدب الإنكليزي:-
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