منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في رحاب منتديات طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
نتمنى لكم أجمل الاوقات كما يسعدنا أنضمامكم لمنتدانا والمشاركة به
منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في رحاب منتديات طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
نتمنى لكم أجمل الاوقات كما يسعدنا أنضمامكم لمنتدانا والمشاركة به
منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات

مرحباً بعودتك مجدداً زائر نتمنى لك قضاء أجمل الاوقات معنا
الرئيسيةبوابة الموقعأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
هــام ::.. يرجى من الزوار والاعضاء الكرام زيارة الصفحة الرسمية على الفيس بوك لمتابعة اخر اخبار الكلية والنتائج الامتحانية جميعها للفصل الثاني والثالث ..يمكن للطلبة الحصول على كشف للعلامات من محافظة الرقة -قسم كلية الآداب- موعد امتحانات دير الزور هو بتاريخ 17/2/2013-16/3/2013.- سيتم اصدار عدة مقررات مع بداية الاسبوع القادم - يحق للطلاب المقيمين بغير محافظة الحسكة والرقة تقديم امتحناتهم بتلك الجامعة وفق منهاج تلك الجامعة اما الراغبين بتقديم امتحاناتهم حسب منهاج جامعة الفرات فالتقديم بمحافظتي الحسكة والرقة. موعد تسجيل الطلاب القدامى والايقاف هو بعد انتهاء الامتحانات -طلاب الدير- اما موعد ايقاف التسجيل لطلاب المستجدين فهو بتاريخ 2/1/2013-31/1/2013
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أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
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mado - 768
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nonage - 467
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لا يوجد مستخدم
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
مصطلحـــــــــــات حلبيــــــــــــــــة!!!
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:: عبر عن شعورك بأغنية ::
الفرق بين ms و miss و Mrs.
بعض العكوس الهامة في اللغة الانكليزية


 pronouns part2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العــام
المدير العــام

عدد الرسائل : 3354
العمر : 36
الدولة : سوريا
الكلية : الادب الانكليزي
السـنة الدراسية : متخرج
النشاط : 3663
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/09/2007

pronouns part2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: pronouns part2   pronouns part2 I_icon_minitime2008-11-20, 19:00

Indefinite Pronouns

The indefinite pronouns (everybody/anybody/somebody/all/each/every/some/none/one) do not substitute for specific nouns but function themselves as nouns (Everyone is wondering if any is left.)

One of the chief difficulties we have with the indefinite pronouns lies in the fact that "everybody" feels as though it refers to more than one person, but it takes a singular verb. (Everybody is accounted for.) If you think of this word as meaning "every single body," the confusion usually disappears. The indefinite pronoun none can be either singular or plural, depending on its context. None is nearly always plural (meaning "not any") except when something else in the sentence makes us regard it as a singular (meaning "not one"), as in "None of the food is fresh." Some can be singular or plural depending on whether it refers to something countable or noncountable. Refer to the section on Pronoun Consistency for help on determining the number of the indefinite pronouns (and the number [singular/plural] of the verbs that accompany them). There is a separate section on the uses of the pronoun one.

There are other indefinite pronouns, words that double as Determiners:

enough, few, fewer, less, little, many, much, several, more, most, all, both, every, each, any, either, neither, none, some</BLOCKQUOTE>

    <LI dir=ltr>

    Few will be chosen; fewer will finish.

  • Little is expected.

Intensive Pronouns

The intensive pronouns (such as myself, yourself, herself, ourselves, themselves) consist of a personal pronoun plus self or selves and emphasize a noun. (I myself don't know the answer.) It is possible (but rather unusual) for an intensive pronoun to precede the noun it refers to. (Myself, I don't believe a word he says.)
Reflexive Pronouns

The reflexive pronouns (which have the same forms as the intensive pronouns) indicate that the sentence subject also receives the action of the verb. (You paid yourself a million dollars? She encouraged herself to do well.) What this means is that whenever there is a reflexive pronoun in a sentence there must be a person to whom that pronoun can "reflect." In other words, the sentence "Please hand that book to myself" would be incorrect because there is no "I" in that sentence for the "myself" to reflect to (and we would use "me" instead of "myself"). A sentence such as "I gave that book to myself for Christmas" might be silly, but it would be correct.

Be alert to a tendency to use reflexive pronoun forms (ending in -self) where they are neither appropriate nor necessary. The inappropriate reflexive form has a wonderful name: the untriggered reflexive. "Myself" tends to sound weightier, more formal, than little ol' me or I, so it has a way of sneaking into sentences where it doesn't belong.

    <LI dir=ltr>

    Bob and myself I are responsible for this decision.
    <LI dir=ltr>

    These decisions will be made by myself me.

  • If you have any questions, please contact myself me or Bob Jones.

When pronouns are combined, the reflexive will take either the first person

  • Juanita, Carlos, and I have deceived ourselves into believing in my uncle.

or, when there is no first person, the second person:

  • You and Carlos have deceived yourselves.

The indefinite pronoun (see above) one has its own reflexive form ("One must have faith in oneself."), but the other indefinite pronouns use either himself or themselves as reflexives. It is probably better to pluralize and avoid the clumsy himself or herself construction.

    <LI dir=ltr>

    No one here can blame himself or herself.

  • The people here cannot blame themselves.

Interrogative Pronouns

The interrogative pronouns (who/which/what) introduce questions. (What is that? Who will help me? Which do you prefer?) Which is generally used with more specific reference than what. If we're taking a quiz and I ask "Which questions give you the most trouble?", I am referring to specific questions on that quiz. If I ask "What questions give you most trouble?" I could be asking what kind of questions on that quiz (or what kind of question, generically, in general) gives you trouble. The interrogative pronouns also act as Determiners: It doesn't matter which beer you buy. He doesn't know whose car he hit. In this determiner role, they are sometimes called interrogative adjectives.

Like the relative pronouns, the interrogative pronouns introduce noun clauses, and like the relative pronouns, the interrogative pronouns play a subject role in the clauses they introduce:

    <LI dir=ltr>

    We know who is guilty of this crime.

  • I already told the detective what I know about it.

Reciprocal Pronouns

The reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another. They are convenient forms for combining ideas. If Bob gave Alicia a book for Christmas and Alicia gave Bob a book for Christmas, we can say that they gave each other books (or that they gave books to each other).

  • My mother and I give each other a hard time.

If more than two people are involved (let's say a whole book club), we would say that they gave one another books. This rule (if it is one) should be applied circumspectly. It's quite possible for the exchange of books within this book club, for example, to be between individuals, making "each other" just as appropriate as "one another.". Reciprocal pronouns can also take possessive forms:

    <LI dir=ltr>

    They borrowed each other's ideas.

  • The scientists in this lab often use one another's equipment.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
pronouns part2
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» pronouns-part1
» تعبير و استيعاب part2

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منتدى طلاب الأدب الإنكليزي بجامعة الفرات :: قسم الأدب الأنكليزي :: :: الســنة الثانية ::-
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